Devington Literacy Center - Purpose & Scope


The Devington CDC has developed a literacy center program for those students who are classified as a high risk for academic failure. Because research indicates there is a high correlation between illiteracy and incarceration, a literacy center is essential in an area like Devington: characterized by high crime, violence, low-incomes and households headed by single females. The Literacy Center at the D.C.D.C. is carrying out three goals:

  1) To provide a personal library for each child enrolled.
  2) To use culturally relevant teaching strategies, technology, and a curriculum that incorporates cultural rites of passage and empowerment.
  3) To provide an opportunity to build more productive and successful relationships between parent, child, school, and community.

A collaboration between both Faith-based and non Faith-based community support , Literacy Center Summer and After School Programs create readers, result in stronger academic success, support schools, and prepare youngsters for a competitive global society.

12:00:00 am

Augustus F. Hawkins
"Educating Black Children"

CoCo Gala Dinner 2009
Dr. Mervyn Dymally

"Presented the Austus F. Hawkins Award "

The Facts re:

"46226 Zip Code"

Indianapolis, Indiana


489 felons are released into the 46226 area annually.


The Devington Community has also become the central business district for drugs, prostitution, and other criminal forms of commerce which come with the secondary crimes of carjacking, robbery, burglary, rape and domestic violence.


The number of graduating students in the class of 2009 from Arlington High School, a school within our targeted area, was seventy-two. Five Hundred Twenty-One students entered the freshmen year together, 72 graduates (13.8%). *This leaves more than 400 adults with less than a high school diploma residing in the community, a growing trend.*


Devington Ranks #1 in Indianapolis in elderly and handicapped residents.


Major problems with storm water overflow-sewage backing up in home drains and showers. Affecting property value and sales.


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