J.A.G. (continued..)

  • Linkages to School and Community-Based Services.  JAG programs serve as a school-based "one-stop center" for targeted youth to deliver academic and social services using school and community resources.
  • 12-Month Follow-up Services.  JAG provides no less than twelve months of follow-up services and support on the job or in a pursuit of a postsecondary education after graduation or completion of a GED.
  • Accountability System. Computerized tracking of participants served, services delivered and performance outcomes (graduation rate, positive outcomes, rates, aggregate employment rate, full-time jobs rate, full-time placement rate, further education rate, wages, and return return to school rate) provides JAG with a vehicle for holding programs accountable for achieving JAG Model outcomes. JAG accredits state and local affiliates based upon their ability to fully implement the JAG Model.   Site reviews are conducted by trained staff and an Accreditation Report is provided to stakeholders.
  • Professional Development. Continuous improvement through the ongoing professional development of managers, supervisors and specialists is an ongoing service provided to state and local affiliates.
  • Ownership provides strict accountability.  Specialists are held personally accountable for the success of young people targeted for a JAG Model Program.  The Electronic National Data Management System (e-NDMS) provides the JAG National Network with a comprehensive tracking system to report the students served, the services delivered, and the outcomes achieved.
  • Activity-based classroom instruction.  The JAG National Curriculum consists of 86 activity-based and competency-based modules providing more than 860 hours of classroom instruction.  Each module provides a math and reading assignment to improve basic skills.   A pre- and post-test assessment provides a method for documenting competency attainment.
  • Motivation is key to achieving success.  A variety of techniques are used to create a learning environment that is motivating to young people served by a JAG Model Program. The most unique technique is the use of a student-led organization (called the Career Association for In-School Programs and Professional Association for Out-0f-School Programs).   Chapter activities provide a laboratory for participants to develop, practice and refine their personal, leadership and teaming skills that are critical to success in the workplace and in pursuit of a postsecondary education.
  • 12 months of follow-up services.  Program participants receive 12 months of program services after graduation or completion of a GED. Follow-up services include:
   – Guidance in pursuing a postsecondary education.
   – Placement in an entry-level job that leads to a career opportunity.
   – Positive change of status within the follow-up period.

The JAG Model is the foundation for JAG's four program applications.  Use the the links below, for additional information on each program application.

The Competencies:

VIEW 37 employability competencies
12:00:00 am

Newsline 340:
"J.A.G. Feature by Erica Bivens"

President Obama
"On Jobs, Energy & Strengthening
the Economy"

The Facts re:

"46226 Zip Code"

Indianapolis, Indiana


489 felons are released into the 46226 area annually.


The Devington Community has also become the central business district for drugs, prostitution, and other criminal forms of commerce which come with the secondary crimes of carjacking, robbery, burglary, rape and domestic violence.


The number of graduating students in the class of 2009 from Arlington High School, a school within our targeted area, was seventy-two. Five Hundred Twenty-One students entered the freshmen year together, 72 graduates (13.8%). *This leaves more than 400 adults with less than a high school diploma residing in the community, a growing trend.*


Devington Ranks #1 in Indianapolis in elderly and handicapped residents.


Major problems with storm water overflow-sewage backing up in home drains and showers. Affecting property value and sales.


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